Lab receives grant funding from the University of Arizona BIO5 Institute in a joint effort with Dr. Tobias Jakobi’s Lab.
Shirin joins the International Society for Heart Research North American Section as a Council Member.
Cecily Haskell joins the lab.
Shirin gives a talk at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix, Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences.
Lab receives grant from the University of Arizona Core Facilities Pilot Program.
Scott Hahn joins the lab.
Shirin gives a virtual talk at the University of Alabama, Department of Biological Sciences.
Shirin co-chairs the session on Cardiomyocyte Death and the Latest on Cell Therapy for the Heart at the XL Annual Meeting of the International Society for Heart Research - North American Section in Denver, CO. First in-person meeting in about 18 months!
The lab officially opens at the Translational Cardiovascular Research Center.